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Lot 138 1962+ U.S. Mint MNH assorted between Scott #s 1193-1205

sacramento-estates1099.8% positive rating
4 boughtin past month
United States
1901-40: Unused
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U.S., 1924, Scott #616, 5c Walloon, Bottom Plate Block of 6, Mint, Hinged


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US Stamps Scott # 454 Red 2cent Washington Coil Pair Type II - Mint OG NH


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US Stamp Scott# 480 MVLH $5 Marshall Almost Perfect Centering CV$ 265.00 A164


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SCOTT # 524 MNH OG $5 Franklin Fresh Color CV$ 340.00 A171


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SCOTT # 547 MLH OG $2 Carmine and Black Franklin Well Centered Fresh A172


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US # 746 1934 7 Cent Acadia PSE XF 95-Sup Mint OGNH Encapsulated Stamp


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US # 741 1934 9 Cent Glacier NP PSE XF 95-Sup Mint OGNH Encapsulated Stamp


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US # 742 1934 3 Cent Mt. Rainier PSE XF 95-Sup Mint OGNH Encapsulated Stamp


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US Stamps Scott # 610, 611 Pair, 612 Harding Memorial Issue - Mint OG NH


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Scott #506 XF/S MNHOG 1917-19 6c Red Orange Perf 11 Flat Plate Unwmk MSP20-54


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US Sc# 381 *MINT OG H* { -VF- 10c YELLOW WASHINGTON } GREAT FROM 1911 CV$ 95.00


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SCOTT # 517 MNH OG 50 Cent Franklin Well Centered Fresh Color CV$ 120.00 A169


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SCOTT # 518 MNH OG $1 Franklin Well Centered Fresh Color CV$ 95.00 A168


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SCOTT # 531, 534A, 535 Mint OG Well Centered Fresh CV$ 84.50 A173


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730, 731, 735 Farley Souvenir Sheets Set of 3-Mint, NGAI=Free Shipping


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SCOTT # 516 MLH OG 30 Cent Orange Red Franklin Well Centered Fresh A170


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US Stamps Sc #300-313 1902-1903 Regular Issue Collection Stamp Replica Set


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US Stamps #Q1-Q12 1912-13 Parcel Post Replica Set of 12


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US Stamps #357-366 1909 Definitive Replica Set of 10


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Scott # 5827 US Pillars of Creation M/NH O/G Free Ship


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US Stamps Sc #397-404 1913-1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition Issue Replica Set of 9


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US Stamp 731/767 Federal Building Sheet NGAI VF Mint MNH NH


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Scott #730 Farley 1c Imperf Sheet of 25 MNH NGAI - APS Lifetime Member


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US Stamps SC #294-299 1901 Pan American Expo Replica Stamp Set of 6


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US Airmail Set of 4 Mint MNH Fine to XF Hinged & or NH C7 C8 C9 C10 Budget lot


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US Stamp 731/767 Federal Building Sheet NGAI F/VF Mint MLH LH


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US 1931 1932 year set of 9 stamps MINT VINTAGE POSTAGE STAMPS MNH OG


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1936 Army Navy Full Set US Stamps Scott #785 - 794 MINT NH


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US National Stamp Expo Sheet - James A. Farley, Byrd Expedition 735 - 1934


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US Stamps Sc# 321 1908 2c George Washington Vertical Coil Pair Replica


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US Stamps Sc# 328-330 1907 Jamestown Commemoratives Replica Set of 3


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US 1935 Sc# 740-49 - National Parks Issue Mint NH 10 Stamp Set


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US Stamps SC #294-296 1901 Pan American Expo Invert Replica Stamp Set of 3


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1940 Complete Commemorative Year Set of 9 SC# 894-902 MNH


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US Stamps Sc# 834 1938 $5 Calvin Coolidge Replica Block of 4


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1935-36 US Commemorative Year Stamp Set #772-77, 782-84, MINT NH FREE SHIPPING


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Scott # 5792 - 5796 US Roy Lichtenstein M/NH O/G Free Ship


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US Stamps Sc# 315 1908 5c Abraham Lincoln Imperforate Horizontal Pair Replica


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US Scott 756 Mint Right Arrow Pair Lightly Hinged, NGAI


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United States 685 MH OG FREE SHIPPING!!


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US Stamp 929 Iwo Jima Plate Block of Four BO4 VF Mint MNH NH


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Scott # 5829 US Lunar New Year M/NH O/G


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US Stamp Scott #1625, 13c, Flag Over Independence Hall, Coil Line Pair, OG, MNH


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United States Scott 688 MNH Perf 11


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#703 two cent Yorktown Anniversary, mint NHOG


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US Stamps Scott # 705-1c-Mint/NH-OG-1932-Rotary Press-Washington Bicentennial


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